
Exploring Human Potential

EPA’s Air Quality Standards Disappoint

“Half measures and compromises are not enough” says Lung Association Jim Cundiff, Program Director, Central Area, of the American Lung Association of Florida, was good enough to make me aware of the Association’s strong reaction to the EPA’s recent action on Air Quality Standards. The announcement didn’t mince words. It began like this: "Today, the U.S. […]

Thanks, Warren!

Notes on caregiving from a colleague in Louisiana Warren Hebert, a home-health executive in Louisiana who is also a registered nurse, attended the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) meeting last year when I spoke there. He contacted me recently by email to let me know that he was distributing a summary of my speech […]

Loving Our Children

The Right’s refusal to acknowledge that abstinence-based education is a failure is tantamount to neglect Among its many less-noticed accomplishments, this Administration has strangled funding for comprehensive sex education. Instead, it has thrown the immense weight of the US government behind abstinence-based education, an impractical ideological approach rooted in religious zealotry and a romantic notion […]

The Myth of Health Care Consumerism

Most consumers may not be as eager for information as we’ve thought they are Last weekend I heard several great presentations at a meeting convened by Jeff Goldsmith, but one contained a point I hadn’t heard nailed down before. Kaveh Safavi MD JD, from Thomson Healthcare’s Center for Healthcare Improvement, detailed the results of several […]

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