
Exploring Human Potential

Words Matter in Health Reform: Part III – Voters And Health Reform.

Mike Magee Republican’s decade long attempt to torpedo the Affordable Care Act has largely failed, except in serving as a teaching tool for the American public which in majorities now supports universal access to health care and greater government oversight and planning. But to advance to the next step as a nation, we need to […]

Are Wars on Cancer and Alzheimers a Good Substitute for a National Health Plan?

Lipitor Revenue Mike Magee Arguably, the pharmaceutical “age of the blockbusters” ended nearly 20 years ago with Pfizer’s hostile takeover of Warner-Lambert which rewarded them richly with the nation’s 5th statin, Lipitor. In 2006, it delivered almost $13 billion in revenue, and yet the company was in a full blown panic, as reflected in the […]

When coders lose their jobs.

Mike Magee With health care now consuming close to 1 of every 5 dollars in America, it comes as no surprise that the sector is a major employer. No surprise either that many of those jobs deliver zero benefits when it comes to patient care. In fact, there are now 16 health care jobs for […]

Will the Health Care Bubble Burst in 2019?

source Mike Magee In the dead heat of the summer of 2018, we’re experiencing an epic  “non-real fight” over “non-real work” with potential real consequences in 2019. The initial battle lines were drawn some months back when Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon recognized a unique opportunity to dip into the wasteful troughs of […]

Is it time for the “next” health care, or a total reboot?

Mike Magee This week’s big news is no big surprise. “Medicare’s Trust Fund Is Set to Run Out in 8 Years. Social Security, 16”, said the New York Times. We told you so, screamed the Republicans, anxious to fulfill Paul Ryan’s dream of taming endowments. We told you so, blared the Democrats, claiming this was […]

Where will reform come next, and who will lead the way?

Mike Magee “On résiste à l’invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées.”  – Victor Hugo. It’s useful for all health professionals  to reflect on the words of this 19th century French writer. The translation: “Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come.” As the AEI […]

Health Reform – Is This a 1960s Moment?

Mike Magee Quietly rising out of the ashes of the Republican led campaign to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, are pragmatic efforts, not focused on “if”, but focused on “how” and “when” the U.S. will join all other developed nations and provide all of her citizens with affordable, high-quality care. Last week, a […]

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