
Exploring Human Potential

Health Care Poverty – An American Phenomenon.

Mike Magee   With great fanfare this week, the CEOs of Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway announced that they were creating a healthcare company “free from profit making incentives and constraints.” Pledging to provide their combined 1.1 million employees with “simplified, high-quality and transparent healthcare at a reasonable cost” by “harnessing technology”, their move […]

Is Tenet Healthcare Your Collection Agency?

Mike Magee When America’s politicians and business leaders elected to promote a free-enterprise approach to health delivery services in the immediate post-WWII period, they were choosing a course diametrically opposed to not only our Allies, but also our enemies at the time. We rejected serious health care planning. Instead we chose to directly and indirectly […]

Time For Americans To Speak on Health Care Priorities

Cathy Caldwell, Alabama CHIP Mike Magee Of all the developed nations on earth, our’s is the only one with no cogent national plan to support our citizens’ health, productivity and well-being. What we have in its place is an opaque and deeply collusive system of discovery profiteering that has entangled not only industry, but also […]

Single Payer Health Reform – A Solution For U.S. Income Inequality?

Mike Magee Veteran Health Policy expert, James A. Morone, Ph.D., makes an interesting argument for single payer health care in this week’s NEJM. In proposing a sweeping change that would directly address “the American patchwork”, assert “the norms of communal decency”, promote planning and efficiency, and empower “a righteous band of reformers, deeply committed to […]

Soul Searching and Deep Thinking – A Socratic Moment

Mike Magee You can say what you want about America’s current trajectory, but one thing’s for sure – there’s a lot of soul searching and deep thinking going on. Just this morning, I came across three different pieces – in The New Yorker, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the The New York Times – […]

Universality is The Goal: Incremental Movement Toward Single Payer Options Makes Political Sense.

Mike Magee As Trump continues to dabble in undermining the ACA, Democrats are pushing forward on an internal debate over the future of Obamacare. And although tactics and strategies are up for debate, there is close to a consensus on one issue – our government should guarantee universal health insurance coverage for all citizens. Our […]

The Winning Argument For Universal Health Care Is Economic Not Ethical.

  (Check out your state HERE) Mike Magee The optimistic top line headlines today dominated health news even while Congress struggles on the very basics of health delivery. “U.S. scientists fix disease genes in human embyos for the first time”  blares USA Today. But turn to the Opinion page and you’ll find “Trump admits that sabotage […]

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