
Exploring Human Potential

Lickspittle Support For Trumpcare.

Peggy Noonan Mike Magee Today the Republican House voted against their own self-interest by caving to Trumpcare. In doing so, they failed to heed conservative columnist Peggy Noonan’s advise from just a week ago. In her opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, she wrote “Being loyal isn’t being a lickspittle.” This of course sent […]

The Insurance Agent Dilemma – Key to the Single Payer Solution.

Mike Magee Since the election of Donald Trump we’ve been reminded – twice – that opposition to the ACA or Obamacare is real and alive. And yet, it is equally clear that Americans in majority numbers now believe that health care is a right and they are in no mood to give back access or […]

Non-Real Work: Eliminating Private Health Insurers From Primary Coverage. Single Payer Time Has Come.

  Mike Magee Economist Herbert Stein, WSJ contributor, AEI senior fellow, and economic advisor to Richard Nixon, famously said, “If something can not go on forever, it will stop.” When it comes to the health insurance industry in America, we may be approaching that point. Obamacare, and those opposed to it, have managed in the […]

Being a U.S. Health Insurer Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry.

UnitedHealth Group CEO Mike Magee It has been roughly a month since Americans witnessed that “the health care emperor had no clothes”. For seven long years, the Republican leadership waged an unending and relentless battle to collapse the Affordable Care Act, insisting that Americans in large majorities hated it and that it had to go. […]

California Dreaming – The World’s 8th Largest Economy Is Not Waiting Around For Trump.

Mike Magee Health policy experts generally agree that applying taxes to unhealthy products or behaviors can reliably deliver public health benefits. We have learned from the nation’s battle with tobacco that taxes not only discourage consumption but also provide funding for beneficial programs like public health education. In some states and locales, this approach has […]

Why Do Canadian Kids With Cystic Fibrosis Live 10 Years Longer Than American Kids?

Mike Magee At the end of WWII, Canada and the U.S. realized the necessity of focusing on health care infrastructure. There were of course the hundreds of thousands of physical and mental health casualties streaming into overflowing and over-stressed hospitals. Add to this a significant and growing explosion of chronic diseases fed by soldiers and […]

The “Saskatchewan Experiment” – Informing California Health.

Mike Magee One of the driving misperceptions about the Canadian health care system is that it is a centrally run and directed delivery system, nationalized from start to finish, top down and authoritarian. That bias, reinforced actively in the U.S., is and has been inaccurate from the start. Understanding this bias could be useful as […]

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