
Exploring Human Potential

Why Do Canadian Kids With Cystic Fibrosis Live 10 Years Longer Than American Kids?

Mike Magee At the end of WWII, Canada and the U.S. realized the necessity of focusing on health care infrastructure. There were of course the hundreds of thousands of physical and mental health casualties streaming into overflowing and over-stressed hospitals. Add to this a significant and growing explosion of chronic diseases fed by soldiers and […]

Canada vs. U.S. Health Care – “You Can’t Handle The Truth!”

Mike Magee In the 2008 classic movie, A Few Good Men, Jack Nicholson explodes under the relentless pressure of prosecutor Tom Cruise, and yells “You can’t handle the truth!” A careful critical examiner of the US health care dilemma in 2017, in the shadow of our neighbor to the north, might easily draw the same […]

Predicting the Future of Obamacare Post-Election: Wilensky and Oberlander

Gail Wilensky and Jonathan Oberlander Mike Magee Negative leaders can deny change, resist it, ignore it – for a period of time. But they can’t escape it. And inevitably, they are eventually overtaken by it. Witness the current Trump dilemma. The leadership of the Republican party, following the defeat in the 2012 election, correctly acknowledged […]

King v. Burwell – Thursday, 10 AM. Friday’s Question For Presidential Candidates: “What’s Your Plan Now?”

Mike Magee According to the official blog of the Supreme Court of the United States, this Thursday at 10 AM, we can expect some decisions coming down in the much publicized case, King v. Burwell. But while many Americans have vaguely heard of the case, few understand exactly what the case is about, and what […]

Message To AAFP 2014 “Winter Cluster”: Connectivity + Mobility = Reach.

Mike Magee The American Academy of Family Physicians convenes its’ “Winter Cluster” today. This is a 3 day opportunity for Family Medicine oriented student and resident representatives from Family Medicine chapters around the U.S. to meet and dialogue with Academy officers and Board members. The intent: To chart the future of Family Medicine. The AAFP […]

JAMA Early Release – “Guideline Panels Should Rarely Formulate Strong Recommendations”.

The Optimal Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine Incorporating Patient Preferences in Practice Guidelines FREE ONLINE FIRST Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc1,2,3; Juan Pablo Brito, MBBS1,2,3; M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH1,2,3 “Guideline panelists must recognize, with humility, the challenges they face in working often without access to informed patient preferences and acknowledge that their recommendations should rarely assume uniform patient values and contexts in […]

Looking Beyond Health Coverage: What Kind Of Health System Will We Build For America’s Future?

Mike Magee In the battle over the Affordable Care Act, it has been easy to lose sight of the fact that this is essentially health insurance reform legislation focused on ensuring equity and justice, and expanding coverage to all Americans. That’s laudable and those goals will be accomplished. But the question remains, what kind of […]

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