
Exploring Human Potential

Do You Know Who Your Insurance Commissioner Is?

Who’s My Insurance Commissioner – and was she/he elected or appointed? Find Out HERE.

The Changing U.S. Workforce

With U.S. health care now consuming nearly 20% of a GDP, and somewhere between $4 and $5 trillion annually, its not surprising that jobs in the health field are exploding as well. But for every one US physician, 16 others are employed in non-clinical health care jobs. But American jobs aren’t what they were three […]

Compounding Our Weaknesses – Gray Market Drug Collusion.

Mike Magee In the realm of pharmaceutical disaster deja vu, Tennessee deserves special recognition. In early September, 1937, the S.E. Massengill Company of Bristol, Tennessee, distributed tainted elixir of sulfanilamide nationwide. Before the disaster ended, 104 patients, most of them children, had died. Nearly 80 years latter to the date, Dr. April Petit put in […]

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