
Exploring Human Potential

A Nobel Prize for Repositioning Health Care

Doing a “Gore�? on our health system If there was a Nobel Prize for “repositioning,” I’d give it to Al Gore — even though he’s already won the Nobel Prize for Peace. Why? Because, beyond his passion for the issue of global warming, and his dogged pursuit of the facts and unique ways of communicating […]

The Facts on CO2 Emissions and the G8

As Bush shifts rhetoric on global warming, the U.S. remains #1 in total millions of metric tons of carbon emitted into the air. Loyalists are now beginning to point the finger at China, as if to say, “They are worse than we are.” It’s true that China isn’t doing that great — with projected annual increases […]

Why Water Needs an Al Gore of Its Own

If you ask any United Nations official “What is our scarcest global resource?” he or she will reply without hesitation, “Water.” But surprisingly, there’s little global coordination to address the problem, even as it has rapidly accelerated. Water is charting the same course as did Global Warming. In the latter case, the facts, and some […]

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