
Exploring Human Potential

Are You Seeing Less of Your Doctor?

As the economy declines, so do visits to the doctor’s office When the economy is in decline, families are forced to make difficult decisions. With high uninsurance rates in health care, and increasing deductibles and co-pays for those who are insured, it’s not surprising that we are now witnessing a decline in doctors’ visits linked […]

The Coffee Fix

How is coffee affecting your life?Is coffee part of your daily routine? If it is, you are like millions of Americans, who start their day with a cup – or two or three – of coffee. But even if it’s part of your daily routine, it makes sense to stop and ask a few questions. […]

Energy Drinks

Why they are bad news for your healthHad a so-called “energy drink” lately? If so, you are like millions of Americans, who make these liquids a part of their weekly diet. In terms of product growth, the story of energy drinks is quite amazing. They are a $3.4 billion a year industry that grew by […]

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