
Exploring Human Potential

Boomer Boomerang.

Mike Magee Last year the New York Times Editorial Board asked the rhetorical question, “Can America Age Gracefully?” After last week’s Presidential Debate, the answer to the query seems pretty clear. “Apparently not?” This is not simply a function of the graying of America (and her two Presidential candidates), but also a result of our […]

25th Amendment Was Openly Discussed Over Three Years Ago.

Mike Magee Three years ago, I taught a fully subscribed course at the Presidents College at the University of Hartford on the 25th Amendment. My exploration that year was triggered by a series of articles initiated by New York Times conservative columnist, Ross Douthat. On May 16, 2017 he wrote “The 25th Amendment Solution for […]

The History of Presidential Health, Succession, and the 25th Amendment in 15 slides.

Mike Magee DOWNLOAD SLIDE DECK PDF In 2019 I taught a course at the President’s College at the University of Hartford titled “The President’s Health and the 25th Amendment.” The questions raised then are now prescient and include: 1. What is the 25th Amendment?2. How do you define “inability” and who defines it?3. Has Presidential […]

Covid-19: A Wake-Up Call For Those Not Yet Woke.

Mike Magee Exactly one year ago, I penned a piece for Matthew Holt’s The Health Care Blog titled, “All For One, One For All.” In laying out our vulnerability, I wrote: “The U.S. has no  government-directed, national health planning apparatus. Service levels and reimbursement vary widely across an endless array of private and public offerings […]

Should U.S. Presidential Candidates be Drug Tested?

Mike Magee During a nationally televised speech last week on border security, the airwaves lit up. But the discussion was not limited to fact seekers by now well accustomed to counter-checking the President’s deliberate misrepresentations. Joining in were health professionals and addiction experts who literally counted the number of Trump sniffs that became prominent half […]

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