
Exploring Human Potential

Remembering LBJ Who Died 52 Years Ago Today.

  Mike Magee This is the 52nd anniversary of the death of Lyndon Baines Johnson from his 5th Heart Attack. And two days ago was the 39th anniversary of the first celebration of a new federal holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  In signing that original proclamation in 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, “The majesty […]

Political Jiu-Jitsu: Trump As A Liability to Deep State Republicans

Mike Magee Funny think about that Project 2025’s  “Mandate for Leadership.” Trump declared in this week’s  debate, “I know nothing about it.” But in addition to the vast majority of authors and editors of the document having served in the prior Trump administration, the former President’s name is mentioned in the 887 page document over […]

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