
Exploring Human Potential

Healthy Women Mean a Healthy Democracy.

Mike Magee When he assumed the role on June 13, 2023, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH focused on inequities in health care as a top priority for his year in office. In a memorable opening that day in Chicago, the Wisconsin anesthesiologist shared a personal mission with 700 AMA delegates centered on his then 4 […]

Justice Roberts Foresaw The Ensnarement of Health Professionals By Alito’s Radicalism.

Mike Magee We all need affirmation and encouragement. That is why I was so grateful to receive a range of positive feedback on Hcom’s recent focus on the role of health professional oaths in supporting the foundations of democracy.  One global health care leader wrote, “Thank you for your message and all the lovely pieces […]

Nurses and Doctors: Defenders of Democracy.

Mike Magee My recent post, featuring North Carolina’s K-12 lesson plan on “The Rule of Law,” broke records for traffic, but drew this admonishment from one subscriber, “This is a strange post for a health care blog.” Since focusing on the social science of Medicine in the 2000 in Philadelphia, it has been an uphill […]

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