
Exploring Human Potential

Boomer Boomerang.

Mike Magee Last year the New York Times Editorial Board asked the rhetorical question, “Can America Age Gracefully?” After last week’s Presidential Debate, the answer to the query seems pretty clear. “Apparently not?” This is not simply a function of the graying of America (and her two Presidential candidates), but also a result of our […]

“Mr. Trump, I was Superman. You are no Superman!”

With Christopher Reeve/ Sept.25, 2002 Mike Magee As we approach the 20th anniversary of the death of Christopher Reeve, I’m drawn back to the evening of September 25, 2002, and a private conversation in a back room off the ballroom of the Marriott Marquis Hotel. As we awaited the ceremonial beginnings of the Christopher Reeve […]

Don’t Panic. This Is Democracy.

Mike Magee Shock and dismay were once again in the air this week as Donald Trump did his best to be thrown out of the courtroom in New York City during his unrequested attendance at his second Jean Carroll libel trial. But as an engaged citizen, I thank the former President for crash testing our […]

What AMA President Patrice A. Harris MD Needs to Say Tomorrow.

Mike Magee The lead in this morning’s New York Times story read that Rudolph W. Giuliani, personal attorney to Prsident Trump, had assumed a “new role: as personal science advisor to a president…” But if that is a suggestion that this is uncharted territory for Giuliani, nothing could be farther from the truth. More on […]

How Far Will Republicans Go? If Past Is Prologue…

Mike Magee As Jeff Sessions appeals for Donald Trump’s support, and Michael Bloomberg positions to enter the Democratic Primary, with the Iowa caucuses fast approaching, the future of health care, let alone the Republican party, is playing out in full view. The unspoken question, “How far would Republican leaders go to win their own elections? […]

Could Dole (and Nixon) Finally Bring An End To The Trump Nightmare?

Mike Magee Excerpted from Code Blue: Inside the Medical Industrial Complex early drafts. As the country moves now at a full gallop toward an Impeachment trial of Donald Trump, inevitable comparisons arise to Richard Nixon and the Watergate era. But, beyond law breaking and enemy lists, the two men share little in common. No one […]

Common Pathways – Donald, Arthur, & Rudy.

Mike Magee Hardly a week passes without his golden lettered name being pried off another building.  As his name has been torn down, so has his reputation.  His skills as a salesperson are chronicled in an advertising hall of fame, his alliances held secret, his business tactics borrowed from the mob, his empire built on […]

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