
Exploring Human Potential

Non-Real Work: Eliminating Private Health Insurers From Primary Coverage. Single Payer Time Has Come.

  Mike Magee Economist Herbert Stein, WSJ contributor, AEI senior fellow, and economic advisor to Richard Nixon, famously said, “If something can not go on forever, it will stop.” When it comes to the health insurance industry in America, we may be approaching that point. Obamacare, and those opposed to it, have managed in the […]

Deconstructing Humana’s New Health Gap Ad.

Mike Magee If you google the term “income gap”, you get near 72 million hits – not surprising considering the financial disaster of 2008, the non-punishment of banking execs (visible once again with this week’s publication of Tim Gaitner’s book), and the “Occupy Wall Strett” movement with it’s aftermath. How can you top “income gap”? […]

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