
Exploring Human Potential

Limping To The Finish Line Will Not Cure This Problem. Crushing the “Trump Reich.”

Mike Magee I have always felt a kinship with EJ Dionne. We are both Boomers, though I am 4 years his senior. We share similar politics, religious origins, early Catholic school educations, fathers in health care and mothers who were teachers, deep New England roots, addiction to the written word, blessings with long marriages and […]

Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Ellison, Hillary, Donald, The New Museum, The ADAP Association and African American Health.

Mike Magee In the shadow of Monday’s Presidential debate, expected to attract close to 100 million viewers, this has been a week of remarkable highs and lows for African Americans. Today President Obama will preside over the official opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall in Washington, […]

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