
Exploring Human Potential

“I Understand The Assignment”: The Case of Justice Tom Parker.

Mike Magee Without hyperbole, Project 2025 feels similar to Germany in the early 1930’s. Their website introduction reads: “It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to […]

U.S. Presidents and Vice-Presidents Are Never Immune From Danger – Political Or Otherwise.

Mike Magee This has been a disorienting period of mixed messages when it comes to the highest offices of the land. Just two weeks ago on July 1, 2024, a majority of the  Supreme Court decided to expand Presidential immunity for criminal malfeasance to former President Trump who had so severely tarnished the post on […]

“Off the Record, Mike, What’s Pelosi Doing in a Few Bullet Points?”

An imagined conversation drawn from a compilation of real discussions with multiple individuals that occurred over the prior 48 hours. Mike Magee ______________________________________________________________________ OK. But not to be attributed to me. Speaker Emerita Pelosi this morning (on MSNBC) signaled the timing (after the NATO summit) and outcome (Biden pulls out of the campaign) for the […]

The “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump.

Mike Magee We now are two days away from the “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump. One year ago, the former President, now convicted felon, promised his supporters in Columbus, Georgia that his recently announced bid for the presidency was “the final battle” against “corrupt forces” and the “Deep State” which was being […]

“Justice delayed is justice denied . . . but not forever.”

Mike Magee The date was March 16, 1868. The speaker was a British statesman and former Prime Minister, William Evert Gladstone. In a dispute that day, during vigorous debate in Parliament, Gladstone, in response to supportive cheers from colleagues said , “But above all, if we be just men, we shall go forward in the […]

The Long Tail of Liability For MAGA Republicans

Mike Magee If legal scholars are right that “forseeability” and “special relationships” are the toxic mix most common in “long liability tails”, then MAGA Republicans should expect a rocky decade ahead. Trump acolytes in federal and state executive, legislative and judicial branches are massively exposed on at least two fronts. Led by Christian White Nationalists […]

Jimmy Kimmel (Practically) Says It Out Loud: “Trump is mentally ill.”

Jimmy Kimmel and Donald Trump don’t get along. A back and forth about the viability of Trump’s Truth Social site has been the stuff of legends. But Sunday night, the 96th Academy of Awards host might as well have informed his worldwide audience:  “Donald Trump is mentally ill. Say it out loud!” As the Awards […]

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