
Exploring Human Potential

The Book of Choices: Insights for Personal and Professional Growth

The premise of this book is that our lives are simply an accumulation of the thousands of decisions, large and small, that we make every day. The Book of Choices consists of 77 short chapters, each on a fundamental life choice. The chapter consists of a meditation illuminating the nature of that choice, followed by carefully selected quotations from history’s greatest thinkers, teachers, and doers. The Book of Choices also contains a biographical index of these great men and women. (From Amazon HERE)

A civil society and stable democracy must be securely grounded in a culture of caring. To heal, provide health, keep families and communities whole – these are holy things.

Ralph Snyderman MD, Past-President of the AAMC and Chancellor Emeritus of Duke Medical Center took the unusual step, a few years back, to visit the 14th Dalai Lama in India in search of human compassion and a culture of caring.

He later reflected that “Compassion is a deep inborn emotion and the source of true happiness, …a feeling of interconnectedness with others, which naturally leads to engagement.”

The book above, designed as a “missalette” for placement on a bedside table, is now two decades old – but still in circulation, and arguably more useful and relevant than ever. 

Staying connected, optimistic, and compassionate remains the challenge of our day.  Others have found The Book of Choices useful. Perhaps you might as well.

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