
Exploring Human Potential

Energy Drinks

Why they are bad news for your healthHad a so-called “energy drink” lately? If so, you are like millions of Americans, who make these liquids a part of their weekly diet. In terms of product growth, the story of energy drinks is quite amazing. They are a $3.4 billion a year industry that grew by […]

Redux Redoes Cocaine

Thank you, FDA! After going to the Redux Beverages Web site and viewing its marketing for the high-caffeine “energy drink” Cocaine, the FDA spoke up. Self-defined as “Speed in a Can” and “Liquid Cocaine,” this beverage had already been bulled off shelves in various chains in several states and is now being pulled from all […]

The Truth About Coffee

Are you a coffee drinker? More than 130 million Americans are. In fact, the United States accounts for 23% of worldwide coffee consumption. I’m a coffee drinker myself, but it wasn’t until recently that I sat down and really thought about how my morning routine might be affecting my body. As it turns out, coffee […]

When to Say “When” with Caffeine

How do you get yourself going in the morning? Are you a coffee drinker? Maybe soda does it for you? If you’re lucky, you might not need any caffeine at all, but for so many, that’s just not the case. Caffeine is part of our daily routine, and beverage manufacturers are finding new ways to […]

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